
Ruber Rosis

Red Velvet


>> become
The worst year so far

Hello everyone!
It's been a while. I hope everyone is doing well! As you probably already read in the new update box: BALC has been split into two websites. We have A Random Blog as my blog and Linco as my link collection now. I didn't like how the link collection gained traffic for the blog and didn't want to bother too many people into reading my rambling here, so I seperated them. I hope you like the disgustingly cute new layout. Although it's not my favourite so far I think it turned out really pretty (my favourite one was the Asuna layout from 2021).

So what happened this year? My grandma became very sick in February. She had pneumonia which affected her heart and made her bedbound for months. We cared for her night and day until she passed away by the end of May. I always hoped that she would recover somehow since she was quite sick a few times before and always bounced back, but this time medications didn't help her anymore. There was nothing the doctors could have done due to her age and her weakened state. She has always had heart problems and this time her heart couldn't take it anymore. It's really painful that she left us. She was the most important family member in my life since she was always there for me, more than my parents ever were. We are still processing that we lost her. At night I often have dreams that she is still alive and since we lived in the same house I see her everywhere in my mind's eye. It will definitely take some time. I also didn't know how stressful the time after a family member has passed away can be. There was a lot we had to organize and sort out. We are quite exhausted after everything that has happened.

To deal with the grief I picked up gardening as a hobby, which keeps me quite busy. It used to be my grandma's hobby, so our garden is full of flowers and it would be sad to see them wither away. I also feel closer to her when I take care of her flowers and it feels really rewarding when everything looks neat and pretty. I tried planting my own flowers (pictures on the right) as well and so far there were only a few casualties. (^▿^ ') If anyone has any gardening tips I would really appreciate it. Besides that we are also panning to renovate the house in autumn this year or spring next year. Something else that keeps me busy are my cat's skin issues. The skin on his paw still hasn't fully healed, so we still see the vet 2-3 times a week. I really hope it will be healed by the end of the year. I'm planning to build him a cat room and it would be great if he doesn't have to wear a cone anymore so he can climb and play freely again.
Due to all the stress of this year I wasn't in the best health either. I had a really bad flu twice and my surgery wound from last September also hasn't really healed yet. I should probably see a doctor about that soon but so far I have been too exhausted to really care about it. There are a few other things that I need to get checked out too, so I will probably make some appointments for next year at latest.

I hope everyone else had a better year so far and wish you all a great day.

posted on Tuesday, 16th July 2024 - comment?

Unexpected surgery & mail issues

Sick kitty

An eventful summer

Where to start?

A hectic month

Christmas is coming

Been a while

Still alive



Websites, stress & more websites

Happy new year

Let it snow
2020 - 2024 • Website by A Random Website